About Golden Path

After the death of a loved one, we came back to mushrooms after many years of studying alternative spiritual modalities with an ever present desire for deepening our understanding of ourselves and the world. One fateful ceremony opened up our world to the universe's plan for us: to make the highest quality mushroom products to give people a reliable and safe source for their healing journey.
We are committed to reducing the stigma surrounding mushrooms because we deeply believe in the human right to convene with nature.
We are following our path and we join you to follow alongside us.

Our mission

We're on a mission to make natural medicine available to anyone wanting to experience their healing and expansive powers.

Our vision

We envision living in a world where people can freely connect with healthy nature and have the personal freedom to do so. We want to move the conversation and stigma around entheogens toward the category of natural medicine through innovative products that are health-focused and consciousness expanding.

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